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Google Hawk New Algorithm And Its Impact For Local SEO

Lately, the SEO community is beginning to talk about the latest google algorithm, hawk that affects local search results for Google. So since this only affects the local search results, then websites that do NOT target local keywords, which are keywords using city or location names, can ignore this article.

I mean; if your website targets only keywords such as SELL BAGS, then you can ignore the impact of this latest Google algorithm. But; if your website wants to target keywords such as SELL FASHION BEDS IN BEKASI, then it is worth noting that the purpose of Google is to create this algorithm.
Google Hawk New Algorithm And Its Impact For Local SEO


This Google Hawk algorithm targets business websites that market their products and services locally. The purpose of the latest google hawk algorithm is to prevent a particular company from dominating the first page of search results.

So if you are an online businessman who makes some websites to fill the first page of Google, then you can now be a bit worried, since some of your websites will be downgraded; if Google finds that your website is from the same company.


Well here's what you need to keep in mind. If you have multiple websites that use the same phone number or the same address. So the latest Google Hawk Algorithm will eliminate some of your website pages from search results.

Just change the phone number; Of course it will be easy. The problem is Google will also assess the real-world location of your business according to the address you registered to Google My Business. If it turns out that your business is from the same building, then your business will be eliminated by Google Hawk from search results. 

So maybe from a website there will be only a few pages with excluded specific keywords; while other pages are okay, as long as not targeting local keywords.

Some may say; "then do not list my Google My Business list undetected". The problem is; it's very important to sign up for Google My Business to increase your business ranking in local SEO based on possum algorithm and pigeon algorithm. 

At the moment most websites already register their websites for local businesses. As a result, unregistered online business websites will be eliminated from the initial pages of Google search results.

So confuse; if you do not sign up for Google My Business, it will be hard to enter the first page; but if you signed up for Google My Business it would be hard to dominate the first page.

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  1. In Digital Marketing google algorithm is very important and this blog really have useful information about new algorithm
